Les symptômes d’APLV surviennent parce que votre système immunitaire confond les protéines du lait avec une menace. Le contact avec un objet contenant du lait déclenche une réaction de défense de votre corps.
Les symptômes d’APLV surviennent parce que votre système immunitaire confond les protéines du lait avec une menace. Le contact avec un objet contenant du lait déclenche une réaction de défense de votre corps.
Milk allergy symptoms happen because your immune system mistakes milk proteins for a threat. Contact with something containing milk triggers your body to try to defend you. Common milk allergy symptoms can include hives, swelling, sickness and wheezing. But it depends on whether you have Type I or Type IV hypersensitivity.
The immediate allergic reaction you may be most familiar with is Type I milk allergy. It involves Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Type IV calls on another part of the immune system and tends to happen more slowly.
Cow’s milk is one of the most common food allergies in babies and young children. Other animals’ milk can cause allergic reactions too. Read on if you think you or your child may be experiencing milk allergy symptoms. We’ll describe what to look out for and how to deal with allergy to milk, whichever type it is.
Medical topics often have a lot of abbreviations and allergy is no exception. Type I sensitization is also known as IgE allergy and Type IV is non-IgE.
Les symptômes courants de l’allergie au lait peuvent inclure l’urticaire, le gonflement, la maladie et la respiration sifflante. Mais cela dépend si vous avez une hypersensibilité de type I ou de type IV.
La réaction allergique immédiate que vous connaissez le mieux est l’APLV de type I. Elle fait intervenir les anticorps de l’immunoglobuline E (IgE). Le type IV fait appel à une autre partie du système immunitaire et a tendance à se manifester plus lentement.
Le lait de vache est l’une des allergies alimentaires les plus courantes chez les bébés et les jeunes enfants. Le lait d’autres animaux peut également causer des réactions allergiques. Lisez ce qui suit si vous pensez que vous ou votre enfant présentez des symptômes d’allergie aux protéines de lait de vache. Nous décrirons ce qu’il faut rechercher et comment traiter l’APLV, quel que soit son type.
Symptoms tend to happen almost immediately and can include:
Food allergy or intolerance?
The allergic reaction involves other cells in the immune system and the effect is similar to that of lactose intolerance (when you can’t fully digest lactose, the sugar in milk).
Non IgE milk allergy symptoms could take up to two days to develop and can include:
Antihistamine can help to block the effects of histamine, which the body releases when it feels under threat. It’s a common treatment for mild allergic symptoms from food. Ask your pharmacist for advice. Some types are available without a prescription.
Food allergy or
The allergic reaction involves other cells in the immune system and the effect is similar to that of lactose intolerance (when you can’t fully digest lactose, the sugar in milk).
Non IgE milk allergy symptoms could take up to two days to develop and can include:
Antihistamine can help to block the effects of histamine, which the body releases when it feels under threat. It’s a common treatment for mild allergic symptoms from food. Ask your pharmacist for advice. Some types are available without a prescription.
Food allergy or intolerance?
The allergic reaction involves other cells in the immune system and the effect is similar to that of lactose intolerance (when you can’t fully digest lactose, the sugar in milk).
Non IgE milk allergy symptoms could take up to two days to develop and can include:
Antihistamine can help to block the effects of histamine, which the body releases when it feels under threat. It’s a common treatment for mild allergic symptoms from food. Ask your pharmacist for advice. Some types are available without a prescription.
Yes, an IgE milk allergy can cause a serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This tends to involve more than one part of your body. It can affect your airways, breathing and circulation and often but not always your skin. It can also happen if you exercise after contact with milk allergens (food dependent exercise related anaphylaxis).
Cow’s milk is one of the most common causes of anaphylaxis in children. This type of life-threatening allergic response tends to affect more than one part of the body and is an emergency at any age. Call for an ambulance if you recognize these symptoms.
Wearing a medical alert necklace or bracelet lets people know how to help you in an emergency. Which is by administering epinephrine, the main medication used to treat anaphylaxis.
Sometimes milk allergy symptoms last into adulthood. But around 80% of children may outgrow their allergy before age 16.
Sometimes milk allergy symptoms last into adulthood. But around 80% of children may outgrow their allergy before age 16.
Wearing a medical alert necklace or bracelet lets people know how to help you in an emergency. Which is by administering epinephrine, the main medication used to treat anaphylaxis.
Epinephrine is another name for the hormone adrenaline. Your doctor is likely to prescribe it in the form of an auto-injector if they think you’re at risk of anaphylaxis as a milk allergy reaction.
Carry two auto-injectors with you at all times in case a single dose is not enough. Family and friends need to know how it works so they can help you in an emergency. After using an auto-injector go to hospital for observation even if you feel better, in case of a delayed secondary reaction.
Sometimes milk allergy symptoms last into adulthood. But around 80% of children may outgrow their allergy before age 16. Milk allergy symptoms are most likely to continue in children who have more cow’s milk antibodies in their blood.
Young children who are allergic to fresh milk but can tolerate baked milk, for instance in breads, crackers, cookies, cakes and muffins, may outgrow their allergy earlier than those who react to all milk products.
Simple guide to
allergy medicine for kids
As with other allergies, only your doctor can make a diagnosis. Prepare for that first consultation by keeping a diary to log symptoms and anything else that may be relevant. That includes any family history of allergies.
A skin prick test will show if you could be allergic to milk. It involves putting a small amount of milk protein on your arm, pricking the skin and watching for a reaction. The results may not be clear, in which case you may need a blood test to check for IgE antibodies. A non-IgE food allergy won’t usually show up in blood results.
Your doctor may suggest an oral food challenge. This involves drinking milk in increasing quantities whilst being watched for a reaction. Depending on your medical history, they may want to carry out an internal examination with a camera (endoscopy).
Simple guide to allergy
medicine for kids
As with other allergies, only your doctor can make a diagnosis. Prepare for that first consultation by keeping a diary to log symptoms and anything else that may be relevant. That includes any family history of allergies.
A skin prick test will show if you could be allergic to milk. It involves putting a small amount of milk protein on your arm, pricking the skin and watching for a reaction. The results may not be clear, in which case you may need a blood test to check for IgE antibodies. A non-IgE food allergy won’t usually show up in blood results.
Your doctor may suggest an oral food challenge. This involves drinking milk in increasing quantities whilst being watched for a reaction. Depending on your medical history, they may want to carry out an internal examination with a camera (endoscopy).
Simple guide to allergy
medicine for kids
As with other allergies, only your doctor can make a diagnosis. Prepare for that first consultation by keeping a diary to log symptoms and anything else that may be relevant. That includes any family history of allergies.
Un test cutané permettra de déterminer si vous pourriez être allergique au lait. Il s’agit de mettre une petite quantité de protéines de lait sur votre bras, de piquer la peau et d’observer une réaction. Il se peut que les résultats ne soient pas clairs, auquel cas vous devrez peut-être effectuer un test sanguin pour rechercher la présence d’anticorps IgE. Une allergie alimentaire non-IgE n’apparaît généralement pas dans les résultats sanguins.
Votre médecin pourrait vous suggérer un test de provocation orale. Il s’agit de boire du lait en quantités croissantes tout en surveillant l’apparition d’une réaction. En fonction de vos antécédents médicaux, ils peuvent vouloir procéder à un examen interne avec une caméra (endoscopie).
Il existe également des tests respiratoires et sanguins pour identifier l’intolérance au lactose, qui n’implique pas le système immunitaire.
There are also breath and blood tests to identify lactose intolerance, which does not involve the immune system.
Consuming milk, even in a small amount, may trigger allergy symptoms. Eliminating it from your diet is essential. Read tips on how to do that in our article on food allergies.
You may also have to avoid milk from other four-legged animals such as sheep and goats because the proteins are similar. It is possible to react to alternative non-dairy milks such as soy but it’s less common and a separate food allergy.
Find an allergist
Think you or your child may have milk allergy symptoms? We can help you find an allergist nearby. Then you can ask your family doctor for a referral.
Find an allergist
Think you or your child may have milk allergy symptoms? We can help you find an allergist nearby. Then you can ask your family doctor for a referral.
Find an allergist
Think you or your child may have milk allergy symptoms? We can help you find an allergist nearby. Then you can ask your family doctor for a referral.
Milk is one of the most common food allergens that's tricky to avoid. Many foods contain milk or may have come into contact with it. Always check with the manufacturer, food shop, restaurant or café if you’re worried you might be about to trigger your food allergy.
Some specialist food labels could make you feel safe if you get milk allergy symptoms. But what are they actually saying?
How does allergy testing work?
How does allergy testing work?
Babies can react to milk proteins transferred in breast milk from the mother’s diet. You may need to avoid cow’s milk and dairy products while breastfeeding if your child has, or is suspected of having, a milk allergy. Babies who are formula fed may have to switch to a hypoallergenic milk.
Infants and young children with milk allergy may miss out on nutrients from dairy such as calcium, protein, vitamins A, B12 and D, riboflavin and phosphorus. Try and replace these in your child’s diet but speak to your doctor about recommended amounts.
There is no Health Canada-approved oral immunotherapy for milk allergy.
Babies can react to milk proteins transferred in breast milk from the mother’s diet. You may need to avoid cow’s milk and dairy products while breastfeeding if your child has, or is suspected of having, a milk allergy. Babies who are formula fed may have to switch to a hypoallergenic milk.
Infants and young children with milk allergy may miss out on nutrients from dairy such as calcium, protein, vitamins A, B12 and D, riboflavin and phosphorus. Try and replace these in your child’s diet but speak to your doctor about recommended amounts.
How does allergy
testing work?
Babies can react to milk proteins transferred in breast milk from the mother’s diet. You may need to avoid cow’s milk and dairy products while breastfeeding if your child has, or is suspected of having, a milk allergy. Babies who are formula fed may have to switch to a hypoallergenic milk.
Infants and young children with milk allergy may miss out on nutrients from dairy such as calcium, protein, vitamins A, B12 and D, riboflavin and phosphorus. Try and replace these in your child’s diet but speak to your doctor about recommended amounts.
But a food ladder is another way of gradually building up tolerance to milk. It involves introducing thoroughly heated sources of milk, such as baked goods. Slowly you increase the quantity and move on to less processed foods. It’s an approach reserved for children considered most likely to outgrow their food allergy. Of course, any contact with a food allergen carries the risk of causing a severe systemic allergic reaction. So it must only be undertaken on the advice of your healthcare provider and with the utmost care.
There is no Health Canada-approved oral immunotherapy for milk allergy.
But a food ladder is another way of gradually building up tolerance to milk. It involves introducing thoroughly heated sources of milk, such as baked goods. Slowly you increase the quantity and move on to less processed foods. It’s an approach reserved for children considered most likely to outgrow their food allergy. Of course, any contact with a food allergen carries the risk of causing a severe systemic allergic reaction. So it must only be undertaken on the advice of your healthcare provider and with the utmost care.
Avoiding milk allergy symptoms usually means avoiding milk completely, from cows and maybe other animals. The allergens are similar so you may react to them too. Non-dairy milks can cause symptoms but this is less common.
Milk allergy symptoms vary from mild, often eased by antihistamine, to life-threatening anaphylaxis. The treatment for anaphylaxis is epinephrine administered immediately via auto-injector. Call an ambulance or go to hospital too. Speak with your doctor for advice about this and long-term treatment options.
klarify takes allergy science and makes it simple, and we have rigorous process for doing this. We use up-to-date and authoritative sources of information. Medical experts review our content before we share it with you. They and the klarify editorial team strive to be accurate, thorough, clear and objective at all times. Our editorial policy explains exactly how we do this.
Last medically reviewed on October 18th 2022