Certain fruit, vegetables, nuts and spices can make your lips tingle without being your main allergy trigger. The root cause is actually pollen allergy. That’s why this type of cross-reactivity is called pollen food syndrome (PFS). Another name is oral allergy syndrome (OAS). It happens because the food contains a protein very like the one in your problem pollen. Say ragweed pollen gives you hay fever. Well, you might get a mild local reaction in your lips, mouth, or throat when you eat cucumber.
People might experience pollen food syndrome when eating foods such as almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, and soybeans. But these are also major causes of food allergy. So talk to your family doctor straightaway if it happens.
There is also a rare type of cross-reaction between cat allergens and pork. It usually happens quickly, has the same symptoms as IgE food allergies and can be life-threatening. It’s a reaction called pork-cat syndrome.