Allergies can have a big impact on your daily life. While it’s difficult to avoid grass pollen, there are ways to stay in control during your allergy season. Let’s take a look at the things you can do to reduce grass allergy symptoms.
- Monitor pollen levels every day
The easiest way for you to limit your exposure to pollen is to stay indoors when pollen levels are at their highest. This would be challenging if it wasn’t for technology. With the klarify app you can keep track of daily pollen levels, air quality and the weather forecast in your region. That makes it easier to plan your days and know when to take your medicines before you go out. Generally pollen levels are lower in the early mornings on windless or cloudy days. There is also a pollen forecast on our website.
- Keep windows closed
It’s best to keep your windows completely closed when your problem grass is flowering. That’s another reason to monitor grass pollen levels every day. Consider air conditioning, if you don’t have it already. It can make pollen-y summer days when you decide to stay home more comfortable.
- Be hay fever savvy outdoors
Getting to know your local area can help you avoid any hay fever hotspots. But you probably won’t be able to avoid grass pollen entirely. Wear a hat and sunglasses to help keep the invisible grains out of your eyes. You may need to swap shorts for long-leg pants if grass gives you an allergic rash.
- Zone your home
Keep your bedroom and main living area as pollen-free as possible. Change your clothes when you get home and leave shoes by the door. Wash outdoor clothes and bed linen regularly and use a tumble dryer or hang washing up indoors – never outside. Pets can bring in grass pollen too so groom them regularly and keep them out of your bedroom. Have a shower and wash your hair before bed. And vacuum OFTEN.